Past events

RCI Regional Access to Finance Event | Podgorica, Montenegro | May 14, 201314/5/2013

RCI Regional Conference for Centers of Excellence, Innovation, Incubation and IT Entrepreneurs | Sofia, Bulgaria | April 22-2322/4/2013

Regional BASSCOM IT b2b Retreat | Pravets, Bulgaria | April 19-21, 201319/4/2013

Regional Access to Finance Forum | Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina | June 19, 201219/6/2012

Regional Trade Facilitation Meeting | Tbilisi, Georgia | June 13-1413/6/2012

Regional IT B2B meeting | Tirana, Albania | May 18, 201218/5/2012

Trade Fair Participation - IT Companies training with CBI | Tirana, Albania | May 16 & 17, 201216/5/2012

Regional Economic Growth Workshop for the E&E Region | Tirana, Albania | May 15 & 16, 201215/5/2012

‘Exporting into the EU’ - Joint AG Training by USAID and CBI | Tirana, Albania | May 14 & 15, 201214/5/2012

Greenhouse techniques and developments - Joint AG Training by USAID RCI and AAC projects, and CBI | DURRES, Albania | May 10 & 11, 201210/5/2012

First Regional Cooperation Conference for Sustainable Tourism Development20/9/2011

6th Annual Event on Competitiveness, Finance and Economic Growth17/5/2011

„Project Management - profession of the future8/10/2010

Europe & Eurasia Bureau - 5th Annual Regional Event - Competitiveness, Finance and Economic Growth18/5/2010

USAID E&E Bureau's Conference on Competitiveness16/6/2009

Regional Best Practices Workshop24/6/2008

RCI Annual Conference 200820/5/2008

Agribusiness Workshop10/4/2008

AGRA FAIR 200819/2/2008

Regional USAID AgribusinessProjects Coordination Workshop 25/1/2008

RCI Round Table: “Competitiveness– Past, Present, Future” 22/1/2008

Regional Best Practices Workshop13/11/2007

IT Community of Practice27/9/2007

Stability Pact eSEE Initiative Workshop on eGovernance27/9/2007

Expanding Regional ICT Competitiveness: Appropriate Assistance at Different Levels of the Pyramid16/5/2007

New Paths for Regional ICT Success16/5/2006

Grow Your Business – The Power of Knowledge and Networking20/9/2005

Present events

Future events


23A Angel Kantchev Str.

Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

Tel.: +359 2 981 30 77

        +359 2 980 99 60


New Paths for Regional ICT Success

The“New Paths for Regional ICT Success” conference was held on May 16-17, 2006, in Zagreb, Croatia, at the Regent EsplanadeHotel.   It focused on takingsteps to promote regional technical excellence and inter-firm teamingcapacity, developing a clear brand for Southeast Europein the global ICT marketplace and leveraging new resources for ICT initiativesto become self-sustaining. Participants included leading ICT associations inthe region, successful entrepreneurs, representatives of government andacademia, as well as the European Software Institute (Sofia). A visit to thenew Microsoft Business Technology Center in Varazdin was among the highlightsof the event. During the two-day gathering, participants explored innovativesolutions and defined opportunities for regional action. Roundtables,presentations, and interactive breakout sessions addressed the followinginterests of ICT stakeholders:

- For ICT firms, the conference explored new ways to spread neededskills, mobilize talent on a regional basis, and team with other firms toenlarge market share;

- For universities and technical institutes, the conference introducednew market opportunities to offer actual and online courses and certificationsto meet business needs across the region;

- For ICT incubators, telecenters, and ICT park developers andoperators, the conference offered opportunities to adopt innovative businessmodels and to build links to leading universities and technical institutes thathelp attract paying users and foster competitive success;  

- For public sector organizations, the conference reviewed innovativepartnerships with the private sector to introduce e-Government solutions thatimprove services to the citizen and enhance the enabling environment for ICTfirms;

- For USAID missions, the conference examined practical steps fordonor-dependent community access centers to attract paying users and movetoward self-funding operations.

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